Business Strategy Articles & News
Startups, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs are all faced with a time of change and adaptation. We are excited to launch this website to provide business strategy to purpose driven startups, entrepreneurs and small business owners. Dream Plan Start Grow has been a virtual program that has served many local entrepreneurs but this is the first time we are offering ongoing tips and tools to help your business grow and thrive.
Consistent and Committed
Allison Turner2022-08-31T14:28:16+00:00August 31st, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Today is August 31st, 2022, and it is the final day of my Blog a Day Challenge! I made it! Was this easy? Some days it was and some days it wasn’t. Why did I do it? I wanted to get in the habit of writing a little bit everyday, so as I start working on my book I’m prepared
Making a Choice to Ensure Sanity
Allison Turner2022-08-30T22:32:48+00:00August 30th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Most business owners that I know are always busy! Between running the business, fulfilling the work, networking, taking care of their family and themselves, there is no time left. I often find myself in the position of making a choice to do one thing over another. For example, tonight, I had two different events that I could potentially attend but
Allison Turner2022-08-29T17:06:45+00:00August 29th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
One of the critical items that is most important as a business owner is consistency. What does this mean? Create a routine and systems so you optimize what you do and how you do it. Personal routine: For me this is not only my health but my schedule at work I walk daily during the week before I get ready
Celebrate the Weekend
Allison Turner2022-08-29T02:33:44+00:00August 28th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
It’s Sunday night and a time to get ready for the new week but also a time to celebrate the weekend that you’ve had. Were you able to relax? Did you have items you wanted to accomplish? Did you spend time with friends and family? I immensely enjoyed this weekend more than some because I didn’t have anything scheduled. Don’t
Allison Turner2022-08-28T03:43:28+00:00August 27th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
The weekend is often the hardest time to stay focused on Phase Two of the Live Hard program. Perseverance is essential. I just finished Day 13 tonight. Because I have less scheduled on the weekends, I must be more intentional about planning everything out. It sounds crazy doesn’t it? I have more time but have a harder time? Phase Two
National Dog Day
Allison Turner2022-08-26T15:37:55+00:00August 26th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Today, August 26, 2022, is National Dog Day. What do dogs have to do with business? Nothing and everything. Dogs offer us unconditional love, which is an amazing gift especially when stressed. Two of our four dogs come to our office with me daily. They are even on my BatCat Media Group website as part of the team. Owning a
Building Step by Step
Allison Turner2022-08-25T19:43:10+00:00August 25th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Building step by step! Don't we all wish it was that easy. As a building goes up step by step so does a business. I was walking by this huge construction project in Delray Beach early this morning. I thought to myself that this project is taking forever, but it’s really not. The building pictured here is the 4th building
Create Your Best Day!
Allison Turner2022-08-24T15:59:23+00:00August 24th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Create your best day! I find that my days go much smoother when I don’t have appointments first thing in the morning, which is often not the case. Today I arrived at the office a little after 9:00am on a mission to get a lot accomplished before the filming of my podcast at 5:00pm. My goal? Finish my day by
Fitting It All In
Allison Turner2022-08-24T16:00:20+00:00August 23rd, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
As a business owner, I’m always in a balancing act of fitting it all in. It’s a balancing act between professional and personal needs. Today, I had an early morning networking event at 8am on Zoom and then I needed to go vote in our primary in Florida before heading to the office. After a full day working, I filmed
Hit the Ground Running!
Allison Turner2022-08-24T03:37:53+00:00August 22nd, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
It’s Monday and I hit the ground running! I was very intentional actually starting last night. I made sure to go to bed so I could get close to six hours of sleep. I got up at my normal time of 4:30am and completed my morning routine on time. What didn’t get accomplished over the weekend? Food prep for the
Does Work Ever End as a Business Owner?
Allison Turner2022-08-22T00:42:31+00:00August 21st, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Does Work Ever End? I seem to have grand plans to get a lot of work done on a weekend. Sometimes I make it happen, but today I finished a couple of items but not as much as I would have liked. BUT what I did complete is I got my two rounds of exercise for Phase Two of the
Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Allison Turner2022-08-21T04:12:50+00:00August 20th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Saturdays are sometimes a day of work and sometimes a day of rest for me. Today was the latter; I put on my oxygen mask first to help me. I’m still on Phase Two of Live Hard, so after I got up, I read 10 pages of the E-Myth, walked for 45 minutes, and drank part of my 128oz of
It’s Friday! Finish Strong!
Allison Turner2022-08-19T18:13:21+00:00August 19th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
It’s Friday! A time when most of us are tired and ready for the weekend to begin. I am certainly no exception. As a business owner, it’s important to not only start but finish strong. Tie up loose ends, determine what didn’t get done, complete any projects that need completing. You know the drill. Today, I got up 30 minutes
Collaboration vs Competition
Allison Turner2022-08-18T20:49:18+00:00August 18th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Collaboration vs competition - drastically different views of the same world. We had a meeting today with an account representative from a Digital Advertising Agency. His company offers services that we don’t offer and we offer some services that his company doesn’t offer. When you start a new business, sometimes the tendency is to expand your services quickly to offer
Best Chance for Success in Health
Allison Turner2022-08-18T02:26:59+00:00August 17th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
I’ve been listening for the last few days to the audible version of Plant Paradox, by Dr. Steven Gundry. I love reading new books that challenge me in new ways concerning my health. I want the best chance for success in health! This book in some ways confirms what I already know about the U.S. food industry and in other
To Think Critically Is So Important
Allison Turner2022-08-17T00:02:00+00:00August 16th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
I was reminded today that each of us needs to think critically. I was listening to Glenn Lundy's GM3X (formerly the #riseandgrind show) early this morning and one part of the message was to think critically. Instead of simply discounting that someone thinks differently than you or practices a different religion, learn about the practice for yourself instead of relying
Seize the Day! Phase Two in Motion
Allison Turner2022-08-15T13:56:52+00:00August 15th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
It's time to seize the day! Today is Day One of Phase Two of the Live Hard program created by Andy Frisella. I’ve felt a bit scattered the last couple of weeks and I believe this program will help refocus me and help me achieve that next level in life and business. I believe that sometimes I have to abruptly
75 Hard Steps to Success: Phase Two of the LiveHard program
Allison Turner2022-08-15T02:51:12+00:00August 14th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
75 Hard Steps to Success: I completed 75 Hard and Phase One of the Live Hard program and I’ve been on break between Phase One and Phase Two. I’ve decided that tomorrow is the day to start Phase Two. What do I hope to gain with Phase Two? A renewed dedication and a confirmation that I can do anything I
Learning is Essential in Owning a Business
Allison Turner2022-08-15T02:51:03+00:00August 13th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
It’s Saturday! A day of rest, recharging, cleaning, laundry and catching up. Sometimes Saturdays are perfect opportunities to learn! Learning is essential in owning a business. Today, Derral Eves, a YouTube expert, went live with Matt from Matt’s Off-Road Recovery. Eves, on his channel, gives expert advice how to grow your YouTube channel. Having just started my YouTube Channel, Dream
Following Through Even When I’m Tired
Allison Turner2022-08-13T03:56:17+00:00August 12th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
It’s Friday and today has been a long day and the conclusion to a long week! Today, I gave my first speech in a 2nd path in Toastmasters; I launched the audio version in my podcast; I reconciled two of my financial accounts for the month of July. We had a new client come in to film a podcast. We
Create My Best Self
Allison Turner2022-08-12T02:51:54+00:00August 11th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
It occurs to me that I am on a journey to create my best self. Some days I definitely feel that I move more towards that goal than others. In the last week, I’ve felt a bit distracted and tired the last week but I still recognize that I get more done than most people in a given day or
Be Proactive and Take Responsibility
Allison Turner2022-08-11T02:15:02+00:00August 10th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Be proactive and take responsibility in your health, business and happiness. I filmed my next episode of the Dream Plan Start Grow show with Dr. Hepsharat Amadi a Holistic Doctor in Broward County. She works with patients who “who accept responsibility for their own health and work with her as a team.” She practices working with people to keep them
Feeling Scattered: Some Days It Happens
Allison Turner2022-08-11T01:52:14+00:00August 9th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Feeling scattered - some days it happens. For the last couple of days, I’ve felt scattered and a little tired in the afternoons and evenings. While I still get a lot done, I feel that it isn’t enough and I don’t always get the “right” things done. Yesterday, when I was heading to bed, I felt like my body was
Monday Morning Challenges: Hit the Ground Running or Go Back to Bed
Allison Turner2022-08-08T14:19:54+00:00August 8th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Today is one of the Monday morning challenges when I have this battle within whether to get up when my alarm goes off at 4:30am or go back to sleep. Do I hit the ground running or go back to bed? I don’t schedule Monday appointments so in my mind there is no hurry. I don’t have to be ready
Recharge My Entrepreneurial Batteries
Allison Turner2022-08-11T01:52:36+00:00August 7th, 2022|Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur|
Today I had grand plans to catch up on some work but I’ve wanted to chill and recharge my entrepreneurial batteries and not focus on a lot of work. I did do a little work like review my podcast video that is launching tomorrow and prepare for the launch. I did a little baking of blueberry muffins and some oatmeal